Frozen pizza isn't THE most environmentally-friendly food out there, what with all the wrapping and preservatives, etc... making you own even with store-bought dough or crust is much better... but I get the appeal. I'm not knocking the entire industry. But Red Baron has unveiled "Pizza by the SLICE" microwave pizza. The picture I saw in the ad made me suspicious of how much unnecessary packaging was going into this thing. Sure enough, each slice is encased in plastic wrap and comes in its own super-special crisping 3-sided tray. Now, I don't claim to be a genius or anything, but that seems like a whole lotta waste for the small payoff of ONE single piece of pizza.
I guess we can be thankful that this product would not be embraced by large families... this should be more of a snack for single people or office workers. But, no. There nothing about this product that makes me want to feel thankful. This is a definite "REJECT!" product. Do not buy this for an easy snack for the kids, do not buy this for your lunch at your desk, do not buy this to have at home for those quick munchies. Send a message to the frozen pizza peeps, and send a message to Red Baron that this is not the direction in which to be going. This is exactly opposite of the directing in which we should be going.
Just sayin'. Please eat something else. Slap an English muffin or bagel in the toaster oven with some sauce and some cheese on it. Anything but this astronomical gastronomical fail.
Almost all individual frozen pizza come packaged like this. Individually wrapped with a crisping tray.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I will say that I purchase frozen pizzas as a lunch choice for my autistic stepson. He is 14 and supposed to be learning how to take care of himself. He does make sandwiches and other items but he needs to make hot items from time to time for his education plan. This means the microwave at this time. Hopefully we can move to stove top and oven in the near future. Right now that appliance is just a burn hazard. We've tried making pizzas from scratch but that is actually more wasteful at this time.
There are exceptions to everything.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel like we are going MORE toward individually-wrapped items and MORE disposable items instead of moving away from them...despite all we know about the earth's condition. What the heck is that about?
ReplyDeleteP.S. "...astronomical gastronomical..." Genius, R!!! Genius!
*blush* shucks thanks. I liked it myself!
ReplyDeleteAnd you're absolutely right, we should be moving back toward fresh and natural, and yet we move further away. In other countries, they eat SO much better, and are SO much healthier... what's it going to take??