OH PRAISE THE HEAVENS!!! I needed a faster and easier way to prove I'm not a terrible housekeeper! What do you have for me, Pledge? Well, what they have is a handy-dandy cool gizmo that traps the hair in so you never even have to touch it or deal with it at all!! Cool! When the chamber-thing is full-ish or the rollers aren't so picky-uppy anymore, simply toss the thing in the ocean. OK, OK, you aren't really throwing it in the ocean. It'll live in a landfill. Or maybe end up in the ocean anyway. This thing is nowhere near recyclable. And, it's full of hair. (which actually has many GOOD uses instead of plastic-trapped landfill filler.) When I first saw this product, I automatically assumed you could empty the chamber and keep using the rollers. See, I assumed that because it was a logical assumption. WRONG. SC Johnson even states right on the webpage: "Do not wash or rinse rollers. Do not try to empty or disassemble disposable sweeper." Nope. Don'tchoo worry yer purty lil' head. Just throw it away! I saw a loved one get around this a little by cutting a door in the top of the thing to empty it, thus extending its life a little longer... but in the end, I cannot get behind this thing. Is it because I'm fine with pet hair in my home? Is it because I don't mind lugging out the vacuum instead? Do I love my pet more than people who need to clean up the hair? (Of COURSE NOT on that last one.) Are we trying to be "too" clean in our hermetically-sealed homes? If your couch is so precious, put a blanket down for the pet in question. Blankets get washed. No hair. If you are so terribly upset by so much hair, why do you have a dog or cat? I understand, Pledge/SC Johnson are preying on some serious fears and phobias out there, but I stand up to say, "NO. I am OK with pet hair. I do not need a plastic disposable solution to pet hair. I REJECT your product, Mr. SC Johnson, A Family Company."
I do respect that people want to keep their homes cleaner than do I. I simply feel we need to open our eyes to alternatives, because "fast and easy" has gotten us into a bad, bad mess.
And I don't see SC Johnson cleaning up any of THAT mess... just see them contributing to it.